Thursday, August 19, 2010


We had the BEST trip to Charleston. I seriously loved every second and M and I got to spend a lot of QT together which these days is rare. It's so hard because we both have such crazy schedules so we have to work at getting to see each other. We LOVED Isle of Palms (where we stayed) and can't wait to go back. We feel like thats our "place" :) Charleston was amazing too and we spent all day Thursday there. We took a carriage ride and were true tourists (which you know I spent many times asking.. "would you mind taking our picture??" -- annoying.) I need a tripod for life. Anywho... It was wonderful and such a nice break from it all. Love my Mattie (which I know I have already made that clear.. ) :0 XOXO




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August happenings

We celebrated Steve's birthday at our house and had a great time. We finally got to use our wonderful outdoor patio furniture that they gave us! Looking very forward to fall- I am going to be out there all the time!

Also, Avery Pearl Fridrichsen was born on 8.9.10 (cool bday!) She is doing great and we are soo happy for our dear friends, Emily and Jonas!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


We are leaving this afternoon for our trip.. Can't wait!!! Hope you all have a great week!!!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Babies Babies eVErywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, this is the season for babies!!! 2 of my dear friends (both Emilys) were due in August. Emily Monroe had Hudson Zachary Monroe on August 5th and Emily Fridrichsen is in labor right now having Avery Pearl Fridrichsen. We are soo excited to celebrate with our dear friends!!!! I got to meet Hudson on Saturday and he is precious! I am hoping that I get to meet Avery tonight and soo thankful she was born before we left for Charleston, I can already tell, she is very selfless :) SO proud of my friends and know they are going to be great mamas!!!

Random Summer Pictures!

Monday, August 2, 2010


I have been doing a lot of praying & deep thinking lately. It's hard to go through any amount of life without both, especially prayer. I have ALWAYS believed in the power of prayer and just knowing that the Lord hears us when we pray has always been a comfort to me. It doesn't mean He doesn't hear us when we don't get an immediate answer, but I know through everything, He wants what is best for us, even when at times that is hard to swollow. At church yesterday, Mike talked about happiness and treasures. He said one thing that really stuck out to me: The Bible doesn't say much about happiness, it talks a lot of JOY but those are two different things. I feel like I always think "well so and so is doing this", "so and so is soo happy because they have ________." Happiness does not mean being right with God nor does unhappiness mean that we are not pursuing the Lord's will for our life. I just always seem to equate the too-- that when we love the Lord, we are going to blessed more with happiness. A verse that Susie and I memorized years ago was the main emphesis of the sermon... Matthew 6:21--- For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. I hope that this challenges you to pray and think where we are all putting our happiness and treasure..